

Name date details

Day 1: March 21, 2022

Ecosystem experiments and Earth system predictability

Chair: Anthony Walker


Plenary talks session

11:00 - 13:00 EDT 

11:00-11:20 Introduction and workshop objectives.
Anthony Walker
Recorded talk

11:20-11:25 DOE perspective.
Brian Benscoter

11:25-11:30 Charge for the day and questionnaire responses.
Anthony Walker & Colleen Iversen

11:30-11:55 Priority ecosystem experiments from the IPCC perspective. 
Charlie Koven & Sönke Zaehle
Recorded talk

11:55-12:15 Perspectives on experimental design.
Rich Norby
Recorded talk

12:15-12:40 The power of networks: experiments and people.
Elizabeth Borer & Kim Komatsu, Mendy Smith, Phil Wookey
Recorded talk

12:40-13:00 Priority ecosystem experiments for Earth system predictions. 
Belinda Medlyn
Recorded talk

Breakout Session 1

13:30-15:30 EDT 

Breakout Session 2

16:00-18:00 EDT 

Identify key Earth system predictability goals, uncertainties, and poorly represented (or not represented at all) processes.

Day 2: March 22, 2022

Key knowledge gaps in press environmental change and ecosystem functional responses

Chair: Colleen Iversen

Plenary talks session

11:00-13:00 EDT 

11:00-11:15 Breakouts reporting.
Breakout reporters

11:15-11:20 Charge for the day and questionnaire responses.
Anthony Walker & Colleen Iversen

11:20-11:40 Key knowledge gaps in ecosystem functional responses to environmental change: An experimentalist perspective.
Sasha Reed
Recorded talk

11:40-12:00 The water potential information gap and other challenges for measuring and modeling plant drought responses.
Kim Novick & Natasha MacBean
Recorded talk

12:00-12:20 Impacts of rising CO2 and VPD on the land surface and consequences for hydrology and climate.
Nate McDowell
Recorded talk

12:20-12:40 Insights from long-term, multi-factor global change experiments in grasslands.
Sarah Hobbie
Recorded talk

12:40-13:00 Knowledge Gaps in Ecosystem Functional Responses to Anticipated Climate Change.
Paul Hanson
Recorded talk

Breakout Session 1

13:30-15:30 EDT 

Breakout Session 2

16:00-18:00 EDT 

Identify priority questions and experiments related to ecosystem functional responses and press environmental change

Day 3: March 23, 2022

Key knowledge gaps in pulse environmental change, extreme events and ecosystem structural responses

Chair: Verity Salmon

Plenary talks session

11:00 – 13:00 EDT 

11:00-11:15 Breakouts reporting.
Breakout reporters

11:15-11:20 Charge for the day and questionnaire responses.
Anthony Walker & Colleen Iversen

11:20-11:45 The Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest Ice Storm Experiment: Lessons Learned and Next Steps.
Lindsey Rustad
Recorded talk

11:45-12:10 Forest carbon cycling responses to biotic disturbances: Coupled field-modeling experiments at the University of Michigan Biological Station.
Chris Gough
Recorded talk

12:10-12:35 Will changing environmental pulses, extremes, and disturbance regimes lead to non-linearities in ecosystem response?
Mendy Smith
Recorded talk

12:35-13:00 The importance of measuring and manipulating community composition for understanding ecosystem function.
Kim Komatsu
Recorded talk

Breakout Session 1

13:30-15:30 EDT 

Breakout Session 2

16:00-18:00 EDT 

Identify priority questions and experiments related to ecosystem structural responses /  disturbance and pulse environmental change / extreme events.

Day 4: March 24, 2022

Integrated ecosystem experiments' project design

Chair: Matt Craig

Plenary talks session

11:00 – 13:00 EDT 

11:00-11:15 Breakouts reporting.
Breakout reporters

11:15-11:20 Charge for the day and questionnaire responses.
Anthony Walker & Colleen Iversen

11:20-11:45 Long-term global change manipulation experiments at Harvard Forest.
Serita Frey
Recorded talk

11:45-12:10 Embrace ongoing plant community shifts in global change experimentation.
Adam Langley
Recorded talk

12:10-12:35 Environmental gradients vs. experimental manipulation for understanding ecosystem processes.
Alan Knapp
Recorded talk

12:35-13:00 Models-experiment integration.
Martin De Kauwe
Recorded talk

Breakout Session 1

13:30-15:30 EDT 

Breakout Session 2

16:00-18:00 EDT 

Given a question and associated manipulation identified from the previous days breakouts, design the experiment and the project around the experiment to maximize the knowledge gained from the experiment and the benefits to Earth System Predictability.